Sardarni Sahiba Nav Jiwan Kaur Khalsa June 6, 1952 – August 12, 2011 On Friday, August 12, 2011 Sardarni Sahiba Nav Jiwan Kaur Khalsa of Espanola, New Mexico, died after a long illness. We will miss her generous heart and strong, clear spirit. She is survived by her children Abinashi Singh and Guru Parkash Kaur, daughter in-law Sat Siri Kaur, sister Anne and brother Jim. We honor her memory in the words of her family and friends. Her elder sister Anne describes early signs of Nav Jiwan Kaur’s spirit. “In our classically WASP 1950’s New England family there were rules
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Monthly Archives August 2011
In Memoriam
An Aquarian Teacher
by SS Guruatma Kaur Khalsa, Houston TX Fall 2011 Back in 1970, my parents sent me to the stage production of “Hair” for my high school graduation present. That glorious melody and those hopeful words of the Age of Aquarius song are forever etched in my musical databank. At the time, I did not realize that this phenomenon was a real-life happening. Last year, while teaching a seven-month Project-Prosperity course, it “dawned” on me that I had been teaching the class from a Piscean perspective. We were studying The Law of Projection (“One must ask, and have clarity and vision
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Journey of the Heart
by SS Mata Manidir Kaur Khalsa, Herndon VA Fall 2011 The Age of Aquarius is the age of knowledge and experience. As we enter this age as ministers, we have a powerful tool for educating ourselves. The bridgeline course, Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma, celebrates 11 years this fall. We interviewed SS Mata Mandir Kaur Khalsa about her journey developing and facilitating this wonderful course. Q: How was Journey to the Heart of Sikh Dharma created and how did you become the facilitator? MMK: In 2000, Siri Sikdar Sahiba Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur was working on a minister
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A Doorway for the Shabd Guru
by SS Sat Kartar Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles CA Fall 2011 In the last 10 years I have taught in various Level 1 Teacher Training courses. I marvel at how far KRI has come with the development of [Kundalini Yoga teacher] curriculum. There is a huge body of information to impart to teacher trainees. I have found that, while the Sound and Mantra modules are comprehensively well organized, there is little time to cover the technology of Shabd Guru, with respect to how many other subjects need to be covered. Working with student teachers, I’ve seen how many techniques they
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Aquarian Sadhana
by SS Manjit Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Fall 2011 As we prepare to serve the highest Truth in the dawning Aquarian Age, sadhana–especially the Aquarian sadhana taught by Yogi Bhajan–will provide the spiritual capacity to sustain ourselves and others. All devotees of the Infinite Divine, uniquely and in perfect harmony with their own ten bodies, destinies, samskaras, environments, constitutions, genes, relationships, and resources generally arrive at the sadhana that works for them. Remarkably, Aquarian sadhana fits all types. All Sikh Ministers, and in turn their ministry, can benefit from this practice. The Aquarian sadhana was first given for a 21-year
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A Vision of the Future
by SS Ravi Har Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM Fall 2011 For most of the past year I’ve been working on writing a book about the Siri Singh Sahib’s vision for the Aquarian Age. I would like to share how this process has affected me personally and what I’ve learned about myself in the process. I’ve always been fascinated with both the future and the distant past. As a kid, I avidly read science fiction; as an adolescent, I enjoyed Edgar Cayce and Immanuel Velikovsky and every kind of woo-woo imaginable since. Fairly recently some non-Sikh friends with similar interests started
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Minister News and Notes (Fall 2011)
New Ministers who took vows at Summer Solstice 2011 (photo above): SS Sat Daya Singh Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA; SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa, Mexico City, Mexico; SS Amrit Singh Khalsa, Queensland, Australia; SS Mahan Atma Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA. Wahe Guru and Blessings! As we celebrate the birthday of our Teacher on August 26, please support the Master’s vision for teaching our youth by purchasing a copy of “Akal Dyal.” by SS Manjit Kaur Khalsa, Espanola, NM Akal Dayal is a book celebrating the life, teachings, and passing of our spiritual teacher Yogi Bhajan, also known as Siri Singh Sahib
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The Miracle of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Excerpted and edited from transcripts of lectures of the Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji It takes you many incarnations to find a Guru. And sometimes as a human you may not even find a Guru, or you may find a Guru who is bogus. These are not worth anything. The blind will take you to the pitch of darkness and death. But look at the Sikh. He is conceived in the womb of the mother and the Siri Guru Granth is outside waiting for him. You cannot be a Sikh and be Nirgura (without a Guru).
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Secretary of Religion Column (Fall 2011)
These are turbulent, challenging, transitional times globally, within countries, nations, communities, and most certainly, our Dharma. There is much uncertainty, confusion and upheaval. Yet we have been trained to weather this, and so much more. As Ministers of Sikh Dharma entering the Aquarian Age, our frequency is carried through our core relationship to the Shabad Guru, our consciousness of service, and our collective unity. On Sunday June 19, 2011, we held our last Summer Solstice Minister’s Gathering before we cross the threshold into the new age. The theme for the gathering was “Strong as Steel, Steady as Stone: The Sikh
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#41 Fall 2011 Newsletter
The final cusp of the Piscean Age ends on November 11, 2011, and the Aquarian Age will no longer be “dawning.” Our overall theme for the 2011 Minister newsletters is, “This is the age of the True Guru.” Over the years, the Siri Singh Sahib ji said a multitude of things about the Aquarian Age. “The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God.” For our Fall 2011 issue, we asked some of our Ministers to respond to these questions: “What tools are you using
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