by SS Manjit Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM
Fall 2011
As we prepare to serve the highest Truth in the dawning Aquarian Age, sadhana–especially the Aquarian sadhana taught by Yogi Bhajan–will provide the spiritual capacity to sustain ourselves and others. All devotees of the Infinite Divine, uniquely and in perfect harmony with their own ten bodies, destinies, samskaras, environments, constitutions, genes, relationships, and resources generally arrive at the sadhana that works for them. Remarkably, Aquarian sadhana fits all types. All Sikh Ministers, and in turn their ministry, can benefit from this practice.
The Aquarian sadhana was first given for a 21-year period starting June 21, 1992. Within our Master’s miraculous legacy of humanology, mantras, kriyas, teachings, and special messages, it stands out. In this set of seven timed mantras, the Creator has given us a way to optimize our experience of His Creation.
SS Sangeet Kaur, who along with SS Sat Nirmal Kaur and SS Hari Charn Kaur teaches the wonderful Aquarian sadhana workshops at Solstice and elsewhere, suggested I write about my sadhana experiences. Even when I miss all or part of group or morning sadhana, if I do each of the mantras at some point during my day I still feel benefits.
Sometimes I chant at random intervals in my schedule, and in unusual settings. More than once I have found myself doing errands and muttering the seven minutes of Long Ek Ong Kars, or one of the other mantras. The full effect of the chants would of course be far greater if done as taught. It’s astounding to me that I experience transformation from even a minimal level of practice. And many of the effects probably escape my conscious awareness.
Tools for the Aquarian Age
The aforementioned ladies have put together a Sadhana Tool Kit It includes practical tips to support your sadhana practice, the meaning and intentions of the Aquarian sadhana mantras, and many gems from the Siri Singh Sahib ji’s classes on the Mul Mantra.
The Aquarian sadhana provides a microcosm of your life’s journey in a little over an hour. It’s a process of preparing the individual self to move through the hours of the day, serving the One God at all levels of being.
Spiritual practice makes us feel happy, peaceful, balanced, elevated, connected with Infinity, healed, powerful. We may experience Shuniya, Guru and individual and universal soul. Our efforts and relationships seem more harmonious, universal and productive.
Our thoughts and feelings are clearer and more elevated. We are somehow more proactive in creating our personal reality and improving things on Earth. Our prayers seem more effective. This all builds exponentially when we practice in a group.
One goal in any spiritual practice is to better serve ultimate Truth in thought, word and deed. The meditation, prayer, actions and devotion of people of Divine Love combine in a force field around the Earth, in our deepest hearts, and in a universal Unconscious. Together we are truly moving towards universal peace, love and meaningful prosperity.
Other Resources:
Sadhana Jewels (compiled from The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan)
How to Go to Sleep (by Yogi Bhajan)
About the Author
SS Manjit Kaur Khalsa is an ordained Sikh Dharma Minister. She is a long-time member of the Espanola sangat, where she and her husband SS Sat Want Singh raised three daughters. She is a member of the Espanola Hearts and Hands seva group.