Quotes about the bani of Guru Amar Das by the Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji “Bani is Guru, Guru is Bani and all nectars are contained in it. If there is a nectar inside, then outside shall be with nectars. Every sector of life will become nectar when inside there is no façade, but only nectar. Those who do not produce any inside are besieged by ambitions, temptations, desires, adversities, you name it. Our fort is our own radiance and within that fort we need that radiation to just be alive and [we need] that nectar to
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Archives for Anand Sahib
The Nectar of Anand Sahib
Living In Bliss
by SS Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa Michaud, Espanola NM Spring 2019 Wisdom comes to us as a gift. We can only find it when humility brings us to the state of surrender. When we surrender, we become zero. And this zeroing out creates a vacuum for something new. As wisdom pours into the space created by the vacuum of surrender, we grow. We learn. And that learning transforms us, bringing the hope and the promise of a new and better day. The Anand Sahib, composed by the third Sikh Master Guru Amar Das, was birthed through such a profound
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Hari’s Blessing
by SS Hari Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Spring 2019 “Oh my Soul, I am in bliss, for I have seen the True Guru.”—Guru Amar Das, Anand Sahib In the early morning, part of my sadhana is going outside to marvel at the stars, moon, and planets. Each time I step outside I feel my breath catch at the wonders of God’s magnificence and beauty and the timelessness and radiance of space. On January 27, 2019 as I opened the door and looked up, my heart exploded with such joy and bliss. In the eastern sky, smiling at me, the quarter
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Guru Amar Das and the Positive Mind
by SS GuruSangat Kaur Khalsa, Great Falls VA Spring 2019 Guru Amar Das began his spiritual journey as a prosperous, generous landowner who had no Guru. He spent years praying at the Ganges, but because he had no Guru, holy men would not accept his offerings of food and shelter. An ordinary person might react and say, “Oh well, I’ll just stick to my routine and accept that I’ll never be blessed because I have no Guru.” Or some might say, “I don’t need a Guru! I’m a devotee of the universe and these holy men don’t know what they’re
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#71 Spring 2019 Newsletter
As Sikh Dharma Ministers, we are vital partners in addressing the challenges that present themselves in our own lives, in our families, in our Dharma, in our communities, and in our world. We are asking Sikh Dharma Ministers to share how they draw on the gifts of our lifestyle to maintain a “keep up” spirit to be elevated, hopeful, and impactful, using the Positive Mind and the example of Guru Amar Das. For our Spring 2019 newsletter theme, we asked Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on the example of our Third Guru, Guru Amar Das, as the embodiment of the positive mind
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