As Sikh Dharma Ministers, we are vital partners in addressing the challenges that present themselves in our own lives, in our families, in our Dharma, in our communities, and in our world. We are asking Sikh Dharma Ministers to share how they draw on the gifts of our lifestyle to maintain a “keep up” spirit to be elevated, hopeful, and impactful, using the Positive Mind and the example of Guru Amar Das.
For our Spring 2019 newsletter theme, we asked Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on the example of our Third Guru, Guru Amar Das, as the embodiment of the positive mind through service and prayer and to share thoughts about his bani of bliss—the Anand Sahib. As the Siri Singh Sahib shared:
“Read Anand Sahib, the Song of Bliss—it will tell you what your ears have to do, it will tell you what your eyes have to do, it will tell you what your tongue has to do, it will tell you what your body has to do. It will tell you part by part the secret of Infinity.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (January 8, 1989)