by SS Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM
Spring 2011
The year was 1969. I was 12 years old and my parents took my younger brother and me to the musical “Hair” at the Aquarius Theater in downtown Los Angeles. I am pretty certain they didn’t have any idea what they were taking us to see, but I was instantly transfixed by the aura of peace and love.
As the colorfully-dressed “flower children” of the Sixties walked through the audience passing out flowers, while singing “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” I felt something inside myself awaken. It was as if I had been waiting for this experience to answer all my questions about who I was and what I was going to do with my life.
I think of that time and the months that followed (when I listened over and over again to the lyrics of that album) as the dawning of my spiritual life, my initiation into becoming the being who would eventually become Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Minister of Sikh Dharma and teacher of Aquarian Age technology. Even though it would be 12 more years before I would meet Yogi Bhajan, my spiritual teacher, I know it was his hand and Guru’s will that I attended that performance.
I am struck now by the fact that we are actually entering into the Aquarian Age. All my prayers and the prayers of my Khalsa brothers and sisters and all those people who long for peace and harmony are finally coming to fruition.
I know that we have been journeying toward this “portal” to peace and that the journey is just beginning, yet I can’t help but be excited as I anticipate an actual date on my calendar that says: This Is The Day! We are planning to celebrate November 11, 2011 in Espanola with folks at the Kundalini Research Institute and 3HO and our sangat all participating…we plan to do yoga and meditate and pray for continued peace.
I feel a dawning sense of release, as if the old burdens of the past are starting to fall away. Even though I know that many of us are personally and collectively experiencing some of the hardest economic times we can remember, I also feel the hope.
As we see the miracle of the people in Egypt deciding their destiny, I too welcome the miracle of the re-birth of a human spirit that is based on truth and compassion. All the teachings we have been blessed to receive by Guru’s grace are guiding us into this Age and I am so grateful just to be here to experience it!
Transformation is in the air and the Guru is the Air (Pavan Guru). Through our collective chanting of God’s Name we will help to usher in this beautiful dawning Age. I intend to keep chanting the Aquarian March (we are heading towards the 1,000 day mark in November) and to pray for peace, unity and harmony.
May this Ministry flourish to support the children of love as we journey together as Siblings of Destiny.
About the Author
SS Sarb Nam Kaur serves as the Executive Assistant to the Office of the Secretary of Religion. Her duties include administering annual Minister credentialing, providing a variety of Minister support services, and supporting the Minister Candidate application process. She is the Sikh Dharma Ministry website developer and Ministry newsletter editor. She took her Minister vows in 2004 and has been on the Sikh path since meeting the Siri Singh Sahib in 1981. She lives with her husband, Aradhana Singh Khalsa, and son, Fateh Singh Khalsa, in Espanola, NM. She is a member of the International Khalsa Council and serves as the Recording Secretary.