SS Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa, Millis MA
Spring 2011
On December 20th, 2010, in Lake Wales, Florida, Sikh Dharma Ministers from Alabama, California, Millis (MA), Kansas City (MO), New York City and Texas gathered for the final Winter Solstice Sikh Dharma Ministers’ gathering of the Piscean Age.
It was our aim, as we cross the threshold into the Age of the True Guru, to be reminded of the Siri Singh Sahib’s wisdom about the Aquarian Age and to explore the impact of Aquarian energies on our Sikh Dharma Ministries.
Because it was our first day of sunshine at Solstice and the Solstice Gurdwara was filled with the sounds of rehearsing musicians, our ministers’ group agreed to gather in the gazebo next to the big top and basketball court. There we were able to enjoy the sunshine and cool air, as well as the occasional gentle embrace of chants Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh were sharing with their class in the big top.
We began with a personal “check in” from each Minister, who shared the challenges and blessings of their local ministry during the last several years. There was both comfort and inspiration in hearing what challenges seem to be somewhat universal and what unique approaches or solutions seem to be working well.
We next took turns reading the Siri Singh Sahib’s quotes about the Aquarian Age and lecture excerpts offering information or advice about the Aquarian Age. I asked the group to interject with questions or comments at any point, which happened organically.
As facilitator, it was my further intention to follow the readings with a discussion about how the quotes we read impacted us personally or in relationship to Sikh Dharma ministry going forward. I would love to hear from Ministers around the world your thoughts about these quotes as well.
The quotations came in chronological sequence. In the last few minutes of our two-hour meeting, group members spontaneously shared their reactions or shared experiences triggered by the quotes. There seemed to be consensus that the format we had used, which allowed for plenty of sharing and the “touch” of the Siri Singh Sahib, was both enjoyable and meaningful.
Considering how many things one could be doing at Solstice, I was glad to have felt so content to be where I was. We closed with a group hug and “go-team” cheer, “Let’s get out there and love!”
With gratitude for the opportunity to serve in this way and for spending time with other Ministers and the Siri Singh Sahib’s words.
About the Author
SS Harbhajan Kaur is an ordained Sikh Dharma Minister. She is a KRI-certified Lead Trainer for Level 1 and 2 Teacher Trainings with an acknowledged specialty in Naad, Mantra, and Shabd Guru. As an elder of the international 3HO & Sikh Dharma yogic/Dharmic communities, Harbhajan Kaur feels blessed to have experienced nearly three decades learning at the feet of Yogi Bhajan, the Siri Singh Sahib.