by MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM
Spring 2011
The following article is an excerpt from the upcoming book on Sikh Dharma by Shakti Parwha Kaur and Guruka Singh which will be published later this year by KRI (originally appearing in the February 2009 issue of Aquarian Times).
Many talk as if we will be facing a very sudden change on the day the Aquarian Age begins. But this particular transition is a part of an evolutionary flow that has been a while in the making, and although change is happening faster in the world than ever before, it is still simply a part of this overall flow of change in which we are all immersed, and not a sudden or cataclysmic event.
The Aquarian Age isn’t just something that we started singing about in the Sixties! It’s an actual measurable time period. It is an astrological age, i.e., a time period that parallels major changes in the development of the human race. Each astrological age roughly corresponds to the time taken for the vernal equinox to move through one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. So, how does the Aquarian Age fit into this? It takes a little over 2,100 years for our Solar System to travel through each of the Signs or constellations.
So far, humanity has recorded events in the astrological Age of Taurus, which was the time of Adam; followed by the Age of Aries, when Abraham came into the picture. Just about the time the Roman Empire rose to power, our Sun entered the constellation of Pisces.
A Dawning Age
It was in this Piscean Age that Jesus was born. The Age of Aquarius is foretold in Jesus’ words in The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ, by Levi H. Dowling, “And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the Earth is near.”
When Yogi Bhajan came to the West, the Aquarian Age was already dawning. A new consciousness was being born on Earth. We are now in the 21-year Cusp period (1991-2012), which is divided into three 7-year increments and leads up to the actual arrival of the Aquarian Age in 2012.
Yogi Bhajan explained back in November of 1991 that this period of transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age would bring increasingly greater turmoil and upheaval to the planet.
All around us we can see the Piscean walls of misunderstanding and fear starting to crumble under the sheer weight of higher consciousness that is manifesting on this planet. The old Piscean Age was dominated by machines and hierarchies. The new Aquarian Age is ruled by awareness, information, and energy.
Yogi Bhajan told us, “What worked before, won’t work now.” And, “Nothing can remain hidden.” We are now seeing that manifested every day. People are waking up. For some this brings fear, and for some, joy.
Living in Love
As the Aquarian Age comes closer, the contrast between those who live in fear and those who live in love becomes more obvious every day, for the two states are mutually exclusive. As I write this, we are now less than 1,000 days away from the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
For over 35 years Yogi Bhajan gave his life and energy to train teachers of Kundalini Yoga to share tools for the healing, inspiration, and personal awareness urgently needed by humanity in this critical time and space. He said:
“We do not need new choices. We are flooded with choices. We need an elevated capacity to make choices. We do not need more information. We need the wisdom to use all the information. We do not need another religion. We need the experience of a Dharma that creates the spiritual fitness to act believably on our beliefs.
“The Shabd Guru is a special kind of technology with a unique contribution to develop potentials and handle the problems of the new Age, the Aquarian Age. In the body it produces vitality; in the complex of the mind it awakens intelligence and develops wisdom and intuition; in the heart it establishes compassion; in each person’s consciousness it builds the clarity to act with fearless integrity. The Aquarian Age demands personal experience and the capacity to act. The Shabd Guru is available to all. You need not search. You need to practice, experience, incorporate, and express.”
For myself, I am really looking forward to the coming Age of Capricorn! Then we will roll up our sleeves and together get some real work done on this beautiful jewel of a planet we call the earth.
About the Author
MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa is an ordained Sikh Dharma Minister. He is a teacher, writer and loves telling stories. His love of poetry and Gurbani have led him to translate Yogi Bhajan’s Gurmukhi poems in Furmaan Khalsa as well as translating Japji Sahib and other Gurbani. The original founder of SikhNet, he now lives under the blue skies of New Mexico with his beloved Khalsa family.