by SS Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa, MT 2023 (Second Quarter) This is a time when there are some 80 million refugees in the world, uprooted from their homes, families, villages, temples, culture, and way of life. The causes are many, including oppression, lack of resources, racism, religious persecution, and climate change. In the end they were forced to leave behind all that had brought them solace and comfort. At the same time, I would posit that there is another type of refugee. They haven’t been forced out of their town, city, or country, but feel as if their support systems have
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Archives for simran
A Safe Harbor in Challenging Times
Never Far from Simran
by SS Satya Kaur Corfield, Espanola NM Fall 2017 Simran—the constant remembrance of God—is the one aspect of Sikh Dharma that resonates above almost all else for me. Having two “10”s in my numerology has always given me a connection to Guru Gobind Singh. With two children who have Simran as part of their names, I feel I am never far from Simran. It is just a part of my life, and hard to separate from my total being. Even when I am at my lowest point, Simran can make me feel incrementally better, especially when practiced with a mantra.
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The Practice of Naam Simran
by SS Guru Prem Singh Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA Fall 2017 I experienced a unique relationship in my practice of Naam Simran under the guidance of the Siri Singh Sahib. It began in 1981, when he asked a favor of me that would take the next seven years to accomplish. I was placed in a challenging situation, during which I fought doubt and despair. Blessedly, I suspended my doubt, didn’t despair and started pouring my time, energy and money into building a music studio and learning how to create, arrange and produce music. Utilizing this creative outlet, I managed to grow through
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Simran is Everything
by SS Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa, San Francisco CA Fall 2017 Simran is often translated as “remembrance,” which, to me, doesn’t explain the word. Other people say simran is repeating a mantra. I understand repeating a mantra as japa, which means “to repeat a mantra.” Does repeating a mantra lead one in the direction of simran? Yes, scientifically so. Some people say that doing a meditation is simran. What we call “doing a meditation” to me is a practice called dhyaan or concentration. Does dhyaan lead to simran and a state of meditation? Yes, unless it is done out of
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Holding the Remembrance
by SS Prabhu Nam Kaur Khalsa, San Leandro CA Fall 2017 Simran is remembering of, or meditation on God’s Name. It is also prayer. “Simran” is the noun form of “simar,” which means to remember, to hold in remembrance, to meditate on. The Gurmukhi word sounds the same as the English word “simmer.” When liquid boils and is then turned down to “simmer,” those little popping bubbles are the sign that the heat is high enough and steady enough to maintain the constant pulsing. Doing Simran implies a seemingly effortless, almost automatic repetition of the Name. It is like “riding
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#65 Fall 2017 Newsletter
Throughout 2017, we explore the example of the Tenth Master and the Radiant Body through the Four Pillars of Bana, Bani, Seva, and Simran. For the Fall issue, we invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on the concept of Simran—the constant remembrance of God. We asked our Ministers to share about how the practice of Simran supports and uplifts. How does the frequency of Guru Gobind Singh inspire one in the practice of Simran? “You are just scared. That is why you need to practice meditation, Naam Simran, and jappa—to cleanse the fear out of the mind. You can tune up
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The Power of the Word
“I know of a man who used to say, ‘God bless you. May you be restored to health.’ His virtues were many. People with diseases which we cannot imagine would ever be cured used to get cured by his word. So I became very interested in studying that man. “To my surprise, he used to say one word whenever he talked and that word was Tuhi, Tuhi, Tuhi—‘Thou, Thou, Thou.’ If you gave him food, he would say ‘Thou, Thou, Thou;’ water, ‘Thou, Thou, Thou;’ slap him, ‘Thou, Thou, Thou.’ He went through every experience saying, ‘Thou, Thou, Thou.’ “When
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Simran and the Journey to Sahej
by SS Hari Nam Simran Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Summer 2010 How does Simran serve me in my life? To me, Simran is vast, with so many different infinite intertwining connections. In fact, Simran is so vast that any attempt to describe in words the essence of Simran becomes a difficult task. Nevertheless, I will attempt to relay how Simran serves me in my life. Each day, at every moment, Simran seems to have a different effect, a different meaning, and a different result in my life. Essentially, Simran is a multifaceted component that interweaves my every breath. My challenge,
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Meditate on God
by SS Har Simran Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles CA Summer 2010 I was less than thrilled when the Siri Singh Sahib Ji gave me the name Har Simran. Meditation was something I did because I felt better afterward and I knew it was good for me, not because I enjoyed it. I was relieved years later to hear him say that Simran is the same as Jaap. Both mean “repeat.” That meant I could fulfill my destiny simply by chanting, regardless what I felt or thought. My first practical experience of Har Simran came one night, trying to fall asleep.
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