Throughout 2017, we explore the example of the Tenth Master and the Radiant Body through the Four Pillars of Bana, Bani, Seva, and Simran. For the Fall issue, we invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on the concept of Simran—the constant remembrance of God. We asked our Ministers to share about how the practice of Simran supports and uplifts. How does the frequency of Guru Gobind Singh inspire one in the practice of Simran?
“You are just scared. That is why you need to practice meditation, Naam Simran, and jappa—to cleanse the fear out of the mind. You can tune up your mind with a sacred tune of God, with the words of truth from the Guru that penetrate your heart.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (from The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets)
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