Dear Ministers, There are three ways that our global Sikh Dharma International Ministry seeks to create a sense of community for our Ministers. One is through the quarterly e-newsletters for Ministers by Ministers. Another is through the Minister Gatherings offered once again at winter and summer solstices and the European Yoga Festival—and perhaps at other festivals as our Ministry grows. A third is through Regional Minister Coordinators in-person or virtual meetings with Ministers in their geographic areas. In this issue, I am pleased to share some moments from the recent Minister’s Gathering at summer solstice, New Mexico, 2024. It was
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Archives for Secretary of Religion Column
Secretary of Religion Column (2024 Third Quarter)
Secretary of Religion Column (2024 Second Quarter)
Dear Ministers, During the 40 days prior to Baisakhi 2024, what were your experiences as you chanted, listened to, or recited the beautiful shabd by Bhagat Ravi Das Ji? I found it deeply comforting, in the midst of major changes and a difficult Mercury in retrograde. There can be a wide variety of interpretations for any given shabd or hukam. Personal history, life events, knowledge, circumstances, experience, etc. etc. may contribute to how an individual receives the messages from the Universe. I certainly know that my experience is unique to me. Nevertheless, I felt guided to share it with you.
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Secretary of Religion Column (2024 First Quarter)
Dear Ministers, A new year, a new focus, a new time and space. Unfortunately, at the same time the turmoil present on our planet continues and, in some places, escalates. The same is true in our Dharma. I posed a question in this column (4th quarter newsletter 2023) about the collective Ministry focusing energy on healing our Dharma. I’ve been thinking a lot about that. Our Ministry was designed to include an entire cross section of our sangat, with a variety of viewpoints and perspectives. This makes for a stronger body to serve in a variety of ways—yet at the
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Secretary of Religion Column (2023 Fourth Quarter)
Dear Ministers, As we move into the holiday season, my thoughts turn to two words—gratitude and grace. It seems that no matter what spiritual tradition one might follow, there is usually some kind of special celebration or acknowledgement that accompanies the season. For us, it’s winter solstice. Why do so many honor this time of year? Perhaps, in part, it provides an opportunity to pause, reflect, and appreciate what we do have, who we care about, and what’s important to us. There is so much darkness in the world now. The drums of war are beating so loudly. It is
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Secretary of Religion Column (2023 Third Quarter)
Dear Ministers, Throughout my many years of counseling, I have always shared with clients that everything that happens is purposeful. Yes, even those events that one might call “atrocities.” I certainly have experienced these in my own life many times over. In the midst of the challenge, it is hard to make sense of it, let alone grasp its purpose. However, oftentimes in hindsight the purpose becomes crystal clear, and the growth that comes from having navigated the challenge will have helped one to expand in consciousness, awareness, and strength of character. The “never-ending election” is finally over. Some sangat
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Secretary of Religion Column (2023 Second Quarter)
Dear Ministers, It’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere—a time of renewal. After the winter season, plants begin a new cycle. Some push up from the ground and manifest into flowers; the barren trees bud and produce new leaves. It’s as if the earth is re-awakening. Yet at the same time, in the Southern Hemisphere it is fall—the precursor to winter. Polarities. Yes, even the cycles of the seasons have simultaneous polarities on planet Earth. Is it any wonder that polarization is so readily experienced in our lives? I’m reminded of the ‘far-reaching’ goal the Ministry newsletter team has aspired to
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Secretary of Religion Column (2023 First Quarter)
Dear Ministers, Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh! We have been launched into the year 2023, ready or not. Indeed, we face many challenges in our Dharmic community. At the same time, the energy is changing. The other day I was reading an on-line astrological report by Philip Sedgwick (February, 3rd, Sky Scraping!) and was quite moved by something he shared: “Saturn dives into Pisces on March 7th. …Reset your humanity. Be concerned about the plight of others. Be concerned about the planet. Commit to every cause where you can expend a thorough increment of time
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Secretary of Religion Column (2022 Fourth Quarter)
Dear Ministers, It’s hard for me to fathom that we are already in November! Here in the United States, it’s easy to think about the national holiday of Thanksgiving. I was curious to find out what other countries celebrate the harvest or Thanksgiving. I knew Canada did, but I was surprised to learn that Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Grenada, Japan, Liberia, Saint Lucia, the United Kingdom and Brazil also had celebrations —but not necessarily on the same day. Historically, it began as a day to give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. Americans
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Secretary of Religion Column (2022 Third Quarter)
Dear Ministers, Recently I watched an interview between historian and demographer Neil Howe and Tony Robbins. The discussion centered around cycles in human history, with reference to the book The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy, by Neil Howe and William Strauss. I felt like I got the CliffsNotes version of the authors’ key concept that these cycles are inevitable and predictable, and have shaped and impacted our lives for generations. Although the book was written in 1997, much of what was detailed in it has come to pass with startling accuracy. I was struck by how much of it could
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Secretary of Religion Column (2022 Second Quarter)
Dear Ministers, After having written my own responses to this year’s Minister renewal exam—yes, I too have to do the exam!—I read the first 60-plus responses that were received at the beginning of the renewal period. (And I look forward to reading those that have come in since.) I am both heartened and concerned. To those who took the time to contemplate the questions, and then responded honestly and thoughtfully, I thank you. To those who barely reflected at all, I missed your meditative mind. To those who wrote reactionary, critical responses, so be it. Truly, our Ministry includes many
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