2017 Winter Solstice Ministers’ Gathering
SDI Academy Tent (3HO Winter Solstice)
Monday, December 18, 2017
11:00 am – 12:45 pm
Under the umbrella of the Shabad Guru, we are focusing on a deeper understanding of the Mul Mantra. The Siri Singh Sahib says that the key to understanding the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib is through the Mul Mantra. As we leave 2017 and enter 2018 (with the numerology of the “11”—the Guru number), we will explore how the Mul Mantra aligns our energies with the essence of the Guru’s bani.
The Office of the Secretary of Religion offers this experiential opportunity for all ordained Sikh Dharma Ministers and interested participants. For more information about Sikh Dharma Ministry, visit www.sdministry.org
Flyer (PDF)
Minister Tea in Espanola
Greetings from SS Sada Bahar Kaur and SS Guru Kiren Kaur, the new Regional Minister Coordinators for New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. We have one of the largest Minister groups, consisting of 108 Sikh Dharma Ministers from three states.
On October 7, 2017, we held our first Regional Minister Gathering at the Siri Singh Sahib’s beloved Ranch. It was a beautiful New Mexico fall day: clear turquoise skies, yellow-hued trees, crisp air, and good company sharing afternoon tea and pastries.
About 20 Ministers sat under the golden canopy of leaves. We played a fun guessing game, which involved having a name tag of a famous person or character taped to your own back. Everybody else could see who you were, and the only way to find out who you were was by asking others “yes-no” questions. It was a fun “get-to-know-you” game!
Asking the Master
Before we held this first Minister gathering, we both sat together across from each other and meditated on the Siri Singh Sahib’s Tratakam picture. We had prepared six questions about being a Minister, including how best to serve in our capacity as RMCs, and how to bring the Ministers of our region together as a cohesive group.
We meditated and wrote down separately what we each had heard. Both of us were astounded at how similar our answers were, reaffirming for us that the Siri Singh Sahib is still very present when you tune into him.
We shared our experience with the Ministers gathered at the tea. It was requested we share the Master’s responses to the Ministers in our region (see below). We hope this will inspire you all to revitalize your Tratakam practice, to sit down with the Siri Singh Sahib and enjoy his company. We will start planning our next Minister’s Gathering soon and will keep you posted.
For more information about your Regional Minister Coordinator group, contact [email protected]