Our beloved Singh Sahib Dr. (the Siri Singh Sahib always called him “Doctor”) Dyal Singh Khalsa left his body at 8:48 AM on May 3, 2012. The following are a few lines from the Sadhana Gurdwara Hukam during the Akhand Path, which was dedicated to Dyal Singh:
Siri Singhasan e Khalsa Gurdwara,
Espanola New Mexico
Thursday, May 03, 2012 6:40 a.m.
“Death is pre-ordained; the Gurmukhs look beauteous, and the humble beings are saved, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har. Through the Lord they obtain honor, and through the Lord’s Name, glorious greatness. In the Court of the Lord, they are robed in honor. Robed in honor in the Court of the Lord, in the perfection of the Lord’s Name, they obtain peace through the Lord’s Name. The pains of both birth and death are eliminated, and they merge into the Name of the Lord. The Lord’s servants meet with God and merge into Oneness. The Lord’s servant and God are one and the same. Death is pre-ordained; the Gurmukhs look beauteous, and the humble beings are saved, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har. || 3 ||” Page 447.
Dyal Singh was a devoted and genuine student of the Siri Singh Sahib. His dedication and love for his teacher was an inspiration for many others.
In the words of the Siri Singh Sahib:
“If love of the spiritual Teacher is in your heart, God is bound to love you and liberate you. Any person who loves his spiritual teacher becomes a Bodhisattva…a living Bodhisattva. The concept in Sikh Dharma is called Jivan Mukht. Become a living Bodhisattva and liberate all on whom you look, see and who feel you are in their heart. To die is an art. Everything on this planet, every act is done so that dying may be graceful.”
” All knowledge of spirituality is to mend one thing only, that when we die, we die in grace, without fear, without vengeance, without desire and we should just love to die that moment, that meditative moment. At the moment you die, everything is decided….There are people and there are people but great are those who have learned to die with smiles on their faces. And that is what we are trying to be and we are trying to reach that point of honor.”
Dr. Dyal Singh was an exceptionally gifted healer, both in person and through distance therapy. He spent much of his time in meditation. selflessly healing others. He was passionate about Yogi Bhajan’s teachings and was an outstanding teacher in his own right. His fiery personality with his huge heart made him both formidable and loveable. He would often quote his beloved teacher’s directive: “Don’t love me, love the teachings.”
He was widely known for his service. He had tremendous wisdom that he shared freely and he worked endlessly to help improve people’s lives. He will be deeply missed on the earth plane and celebrated in the heavens. His cremation ceremony, held in an outdoor pyre in his home of Crestone, Colorado, was attended by his loving family, friends and yoga students. May his soul’s journey be blessed.
With much love and respect,
SS Dr. Sat-Kaur Khalsa, Secretary of Religion
May 2012
Remembering Dyal Singh (by Karta Purkh Kaur and Dan Retuta)