Throughout 2018, we are exploring the topic of Shabd Guru through the Siri Singh Sahib’s teachings of Obey, Serve, Love, Excel. For the Winter 2018 issue, we are exploring the theme of Excelling with the Guru. The teachings of “Obey, Serve, Love” prepare one to Excel. We invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on how their personal experiences with the Guru have allowed them to excel in life.
“So this process to be a Sikh is not just to belong to a religion. The process to be a Sikh is to be excellent. And not to be excellent just to be excellent, but to enjoy to be excellent. And how can you enjoy being excellent? When you make others excellent—because reproductivity, re-creation is our process, it’s God in us.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (September 18, 1988)