Singh Sahib Dr. Narayan Singh Khalsa (Michael J. Lincoln) December 2, 1933 – October 15, 2016 by SS Dr. Sat Kaur Khalsa, Secretary of Religion A dear, heart-centered brilliant soul has left his physical body. Dr. Michael J. Lincoln (Ebner), better known to many of us as Narayan Singh, passed from this earth plane on October 15, 2016 in Redmond, Washington. He was a uniquely gifted diagnostician, psychologist, and an extraordinary human being who gave selflessly from his heart to countless people. He was a beloved member of our Sikh Dharma/3HO family. Singh Sahib Dr. Narayan Singh Khalsa
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Monthly Archives November 2016
In Memoriam
Me and Hari Simran Singh—Attuned to the Infinite
by SS GuruSurya Kaur Khalsa, Brooklyn NY When our son Hari Simran Singh was 10 years old, a few weeks before he was to leave for his first year at school in India, I told him that I intended to pray for him every day he was away. We were walking together along the park. I hadn’t settled on the form the prayer would take—perhaps one of the banis or a shabd, a mantra. He answered right away, “Har Har Har Har Gobinday, Har Har Har Har Mukanday.” Of course! The Guru Gaitri Mantra with Four Hars* was a perfect choice.
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The Divine Presence
by SS Jai Hari Kaur Khalsa, Santa Fe NM Winter 2016 “True realization of the actual nature of the material world, its perishable, transitory and illusory aspects, best dawns on a person in suffering.”—Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, Ninth Sikh Guru In January of this year I learned that I had ovarian cancer. The news was shocking and at the same time it took me inward. During this whole journey—through the treatments and the consequences of the disease—my Subtle Body has been a strong ally. I never asked “Why me?” I just asked God to guide and show me the
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Waking Up with Japji Sahib
by SS Har Simran Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles CA Winter 2016 For some, it was love at first sight. Or rather, first sound. The first time they heard Japji, some devotees were enraptured. I was not one of those. With my strong intellectual background, I was too perturbed by the seeming non-sequiturs to relate to the exquisitely told truths as they unfolded. From line to line, as the speaker and the subject shifted, my experience was more irritation than upliftment. In fact, from the first words, the Mul Mantra left me puzzling, is that really the list of all virtues, or
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Patience Pays
by SS Meher Kaur Khalsa, Phoenix AZ Winter 2016 “When I say patience pays, that’s what it is. In absolute patience you always shall believe, you always shall see, you always shall realize the Word of the Guru comes handy to you. Man cannot live with you. Guru Nanak is not living with us in physical body, but in Subtle Body, in the Shabad Guru, Nanak is always with us. When we obey the commands, when we live in the Rehit, when we live in the Maryada, when we live in the Akal Moorat, that is our homage to the
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In Subtlety We Dwell
by SS Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Winter 2016 When you think about Sikh Dharma, subtlety may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Our royal lineage inspires us to dress regally in our bana and turbans, crowned with jeweled pins, carrying swords of steel. We decorate our Gurdwaras with beautiful silks, flowers, and raiments fit for a king. However, in the sound current we can experience the subtle essence of the Guru’s presence. It is the Naad, found in the Shabad Guru, where we can bathe our souls and spirits in this divinely subtle vibration. The technology
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The Capacity of the Shabad Guru
by SS GuruKirin Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Winter 2016 “If in subtlety you become very refined and in activity you become very subtle, you are very near to your soul because there is a direct relationship between the Subtle Body and the spiritual body. The spirit and the Subtle Body are very much related; they never leave each other. So anything which is refined—refined art, refined acts, refined speech which is not gross—will put you nearer to the soul. That is a rather simple way of reaching your God consciousness.” —The Siri Singh Sahib (May 27, 1981) The Shabad Guru (an infinite universal sound current)
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Ministry News and Notes (Winter 2016)
Congratulations and Wahe Guru to Singh Sahib Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa from Santa Fe, NM, who took his Sikh Dharma Minister vows at the Opening Gurdwara of the Fall 2016 International Khalsa Council meetings on September 21, 2016. May God and Guru bless him to serve in his role as a Minister unto Infinity. Sunday, December 18th in the SDI Academy Tent Winter Solstice Sadhana, Florida 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Creativity Through the Radiant Body Join with other Sikh Dharma Ministers as we move into 2017, entering the frequency of Guru Gobind Singh. This Sikh Dharma Minister
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Secretary of Religion Column (Winter 2016)
Do you remember how often the Siri Singh Sahib would emphasize the importance of our songs? Over and over he would have us sing both English and Gurmukhi versions of songs, uplifting our hearts and souls and inspiring us in the process. He said, “Just sing. It will purify you. It will bring you to your destiny. It will bring you your grace.” On a personal note, I had recently been making a concerted effort to see God in all, by consciously uplifting others and doing my best to spread light and love. The hukams I had been getting at
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#62 Winter 2016 Newsletter
Throughout 2016, our Ministry newsletter is focused on the Subtle Body. We invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on how we impact the world through our Subtle Bodies. Especially, how do we use the Subtle Body to support us in situations of challenge as we serve as teachers, leaders, and healers of the Aquarian Age? In the Winter 2016 issue, our theme is Shabad Guru and the Subtle Body. Please enjoy these articles and personal stories by Sikh Dharma Ministers about the Subtle Body in relation to our roles as Sikh Dharma Ministers. We welcome comments and feedback on this newsletter and our website. If
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