by SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa, Bakersfield CA
Spring 2013
The Spiritual Warrior is dedicated to the Divine through whom all things are created and to all creation. The Spiritual Warrior is attuned to the reality that: “All things come from God and all things go to God.”
As we make the transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, we are entering into a new millennium. Change is mandatory. The fundamental truth is that there is One Creator who created this entire creation and we are creatures within that creation.
The reality is that we are all one as a human race, whether white, black, brown, yellow, red, handicapped, blind, gay, rich, poor, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh. This will become an experienced reality, not just a theory or a concept.
With this understanding of Ek Ong Kar, that we are all one, we will come to understand that each aspect of creation is important and beautiful, and despite our limited ego-based opinions and judgments each part of creation must be respected and preserved as an aspect of the Divine.
In terms of human relationships this means that each person must be viewed as unique and valuable. Each person must be treated with dignity and respect. Moreover, each individual has the right to be here and to walk tall and expect and demand reverence and respect from others. No human being should be made to suffer degradation, tyranny, abuse or violence at the hands of another human being.
The Spiritual Warrior
A corollary to this basic truth is that all beings have the right to defend themselves against injustice and violence. The Way of the Spiritual Warrior began for Sikhs with the Sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind.
In one version of the recorded history, it is reported that during the Guruship ceremony Guru Hargobind respectfully declined to wear the Seli (woolen cord worn on the head) which had been passed down to each successive Guru since Guru Nanak. Instead the Guru asked for a sword.
Baba Buddha placed one sword on the Guru and Guru Hargobind then asked for another sword, saying “I’ll wear two swords, a sword of shakti (power) and a sword of bhakti (devotion).” Henceforth the Guru carried two swords to symbolize his dual role of holding secular power (Miri) and spiritual authority (Piri).
It is also said that Guru Arjan, aware of his pending martyrdom, instructed his son Hargobind to train the Sikh community in martial arts for self- defense. Guru Arjan said that to be given the path of Truth but not to be able to defend or preserve it is not permissible.
As we proceed into this transition period, with its elements of hate and discrimination including gender bias, racism, classism, ethnic bias, age bias, sexual orientation, ignorance and insanity, certain individuals may seek to act on their beliefs in a way that will injure or kill the targets of their misguided ignorance or delusional fantasies.
As Khalsa and Ministers of Sikh Dharma, as those who know and have experienced the transformational power of Gurbani and the technology of Shabd Guru, it is incumbent upon all of us as trustees of this spiritual technology which underwrites the Aquarian Age, to have the skills and capability to neutralize violence in order to protect the Guru and our Gurdwaras, yoga centers, businesses, schools and communities, and to be a viable safe haven for others who would look to us for leadership and protection.
We have been given the privilege to walk this Way and to fulfill the responsibilities of a Sikh Dharma Minister. Each Minister must therefore make his/her best effort to fully embody the psyche and skills of the Soldier-Saint and through his/her projection, word, thought and deed.
We must be able to neutralize violence, safeguard the Guru, protect the Sangat and protect and safeguard those who would look to us for protection, all with grace, dignity and divinity. This is the Way of the Spiritual Warrior, the path begun by Guru Hargobind and advanced by Guru Gobind Singh.
Walking Tall: The Spiritual Warrior Training System (online video training course by SS Gurujodha Singh)
About the Author
SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa is an ordained Sikh Dharma Minister. He serves as the current President of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation. He is an attorney licensed in CA since 1979 and is one of four Chief Deputies in the Office of County Counsel, Bakersfield, Kern County, CA. He is the originator of a self-defense system entitled The Spiritual Warrior Training System and is a Sixth degree black belt Instructor of Kenpo Karate. He is a founding member of the Amritsar-Bakersfield Sister City Committee. His name means “Warrior of the Guru” and he regularly teaches martial arts to youth.