by SS Guru Darshan Kaur Khalsa, Puebla, Mexico
Fall 2019
Having found a Dharmic path of life has given my soul unspeakable satisfaction. Every morning I know that during the ambrosial hours I can take the hand of God, being confident that everything that will happen during the day is by His grace . This gives me peace of mind and allows me to to see God in everything, knowing that all circumstances, events, and challenges are part of the life process, but under its Divine Light, the neutrality of the mind appears.
For the past 19 years, I have experienced the power of our yogic and dharmic technology. This way of life has given to my Being and to my whole family (family = all those beings that for some reason have shared this path with my soul) a 180-degree turn.
At the same time, I have personally begun to understand the true meaning of humility, compassion, service, and even containment and grace.
Today a phrase came to me that I shared with my family that says, “Life is a constant series of repetitive circumstances until you flow with your Higher Self.” To me this means that you must remain without judgment on life’s events, learning to enjoy everything around you regardless of whether you like it or not.
The only thing that will keep you victorious in life to face challenges is your personal practice and the connection that you can truly have with God through the Guru. Everything else is just an illusion that distracts you.
I wish for your soul to be heard, your mind to be trained, and your body to be healthy to live this experience.
About the Author
SS Guru Darshan Kaur is a Sikh Dharma Minister and Kundalini Yoga instructor living in Puebla, Mexico. She began to know and study with devotion and love the words of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in 2002 and lives in Guru’s House at the Guru Ram Das Center in Puebla. She serves as Treasurer of Sikh Dharma of Mexico and her soul’s deep desire is to inspire and serve as a Sikh Dharma Minister.