It’s 2012, Geronimo! Time and space are definitely moving at lightning speed. Each year the Ministers’ e-newsletter team meets and focuses on a theme for the four newsletters of the following year. Since the Tantric numerology of 2012 is the number 5, we decided to use Guru Arjan as an inspiration and touchstone: teacher, leader, healer, and bringer of prosperity.
The vibrational frequency of the Fifth Guru, through his poetry and life, inspires us to reach out and teach through our presence as Ministers. Each of the quarterly newsletters will focus on one of these aspects of our beloved Fifth Guru. We hope you find the newsletters informative, inspiring and uplifting.
Five Sutras
It is also time for our Minister renewal. This is an exam year. The exam starts with a self-reflection on the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age; next is a quote from the Siri Singh Sahib regarding the changes that are taking place and our roles as Ministers; the final question addresses a challenge that is before us as a Ministry and as a Dharma.
In my Secretary of Religion letter that accompanies the exam, I mentioned that many more people are becoming interested in Sikh Dharma and are calling on Ministers for help and guidance. There are also more individuals feeling inspired to become Ministers.
We just witnessed this phenomenon at our Winter Solstice Ministers’ gathering. As you know, our Ministers’ gatherings at Winter and Summer Solstice and the European Yoga Festival are designed to allow Ministers to share with each other, develop a sense of community as Ministers and learn (or be reminded of) useful tools and information that can be used in our Ministry.
The theme for the December 2011 Winter Solstice Ministers’ gathering was: “The Magic of Asking for Nothing and Receiving Everything: The Experience of the 33rd Pauri of Japji.” Guru Nanak, the Guru for the Aquarian Age, sang the 33rd Pauri of Japji Sahib, Aakhan Jor, as a Sampuran Kriya, a perfect seal. SS Siri Sevak Kaur and SS Sham Rang Singh from Millis, Massachusetts, facilitated this sweet gathering.
Despite the fact that the write-up about the gathering clearly stated that it was for Sikh Dharma Ministers, there were at least 10 “guests” that showed up who were not Ministers. At first the facilitators attempted to explain that it was a Ministers’ gathering but as more people showed up, they very gracefully invited them to stay. Everyone participated and had a lot to say. Har Dev Singh and Siri Chand Kaur from Millis provided the music and everyone loved it.
This gathering is a perfect example of why I say that more people are becoming interested in Sikh Dharma and the Ministry. The times are demanding that we stay current with our requirements and be ready to extend a helping hand. Blessings to all of you.
SS Dr. Sat-Kaur Khalsa, Secretary of Religion
SS Dr. Sat Kaur Khalsa has served as Secretary of Religion since 1991 and was ordained as a Sikh Dharma Minister in 1975. As Secretary of Religion, Dr. Sat Kaur oversees and is ultimately responsible for the delivery of the functions of this Office. Dr. Sat Kaur is a long-time member of the International Khalsa Council and the Khalsa Council Executive Committee. Dr. Sat Kaur maintains a full-time psychotherapy private practice in Santa Monica, California and Santa Fe, New Mexico. She counsels individuals, couples, and families to support their personal and spiritual growth. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, facilitates White Tantric Yoga®, and is a published author.