2022 SSSC Election Reminder
There is an SSSC election occurring this year, with 8 seats up for re-election. Newly elected SSSC Trustees will take their seats at the Fall Khalsa Council meetings in September 2022. The Office of the Secretary of Religion is here to support all Ministers in getting current so that they can participate in the various aspects of the SSSC election.
In order to vote in the election, and write letters of recommendation for Sangat members applying to join the electorate, all Ministers must be in good standing. This means that they will have completed their annual credential renewal process for the 2022-2023 calendar year. The Ministers who are current for last year will still need to complete this year’s renewal process, as the renewal period ended April 14, 2022, which is prior to the SSSC election requirements.
Here are some important upcoming deadlines for the SSSC Election to be aware of (by 8 p.m. EDT for all dates below):
- June 15: deadline for Ministers to be in good standing in order to write letters of recommendation for Sangat members applying to join the electorate
- July 25: deadline for Ministers to be in good standing in order to vote in the SSSC election
Ministers are welcome to contact us directly to check their status or ask any other questions at [email protected].
Shabad Guru Subscription Series
There is still time to sign up to receive inspiring Shabad Guru content through Sikh Dharma International’s 2022 Shabad Guru Subscription Series! Content will be sent out weekly through the end of June.
The theme for the month of May is “Contemplation of the Infinite and Vibrational Remembrance through Veechar and Simran” and the theme for June is “States of Being Found through Shabad Guru Practice (Brahm Gyani, Jiwan Mukta and Sant-Sipahi).”
For more information, visit: https://www.sikhdharma.org/shabad-guru-subscription-series/