2010 Winter Solstice Ministers’ Gathering
It’s Here! – Winter Solstice Sikh Dharma Ministers’ Gathering. This is the last Winter Solstice of the Piscean Age! As we cross the threshold into the Age of the True Guru, come to be reminded of the Siri Singh Sahib’s wisdom about this new age and explore the impact of these energies on your Ministry. Leave ready to roll!
Led by Harbhajan Kaur, Millis on Monday, December 20, 2010. Please check the Winter Solstice schedule for our meeting time and place and join your fellow ministers in welcoming the new age.
Honoring a Soul
The Sikh Dharma Minister’s Newsletter would like to honor the soul and graceful spirit of Satya Amrit Singh from Chile, who recently passed away at the age of 27 years. He was a sevadar for the MPA boys and he has returned home to Akal Purkh.
In January 2010, SS Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur (Assistant Secretary of Religion) visited Santiago, Chile, and had the honor of spending time with Satya Amrit Singh. According to Shanti Shanti Kaur, “He reminded me of Bhai Sahib Dayal Singh; his voice and manner of speaking were similar as was his innocence, joy, humility, and the spirit of service and devotion to the Guru. At that time I had spoken to his teacher, SS Nam Nidhan Kaur, about him becoming a Sikh Dharma Minister.”
For those of us who didn’t know him personally, his spirit is a reminder of how our service and our light serve as a presence of the Guru at all times. Click here to read a beautiful tribute to Satya Amrit Singh by SS Gurumustuk Singh on SikhNet.com.