1949 – 2023
by Guru Mander Kaur Khalsa
2023 (Second Quarter)
SS Gian Kaur Khalsa, woman, teacher, mother, grandmother and friend. She was a Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer and a first-generation student trained by Yogi Bhajan.
Gian Kaur discovered Kundalini Yoga in Amsterdam in 1973. She and her family came to the US in 1976 to meet Yogi Bhajan for the first time; he assigned her to move to Mexico in order to help Baba Ji run the ashram in Mexico City. That same year, she helped organize the first White Tantric Yoga (WTY) course ever held in Mexico. Later on, she moved with her family to Guadalajara where she again organized WTY. She became a well-known Kundalini Yoga teacher for the west of Mexico. Gian Kaur settled there and made it her home until the end of her life.
She taught for over 40 years in Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. In Brazil, along with her team of trainers, she helped translate all the Kundalini Yoga material from English into Portuguese.
Gian Kaur will always be remembered with love as a direct and assertive leader. She touched the hearts and influenced the lives of many people. She will continue to inspire those who have come in contact with her, forever.