by SS Har Tirath Kaur Khalsa, Luján, Argentina
2022 (Third Quarter)
As I look at this world in crisis, I see it from the viewpoint of someone who lives in a country that is continually in crisis—Argentina. I would like to share this viewpoint with you.
As a servant of God, I have learned through the years that challenges are full of opportunities, that changes are wonderful and necessary, and that every time we do not accept an ending, there is no possible beginning. I have learned that real strength is put to the test when structures break down and pieces want to come together again under our feet, this time finding new ways.
My role as Minister keeps me open to every opportunity to share the message of our Gurus. The example of Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspires me to be ready to face any battle, ready to inspire the community. There is so much more behind the appearance of chaos that the Kali Yug plays with us that, if we could imagine ourselves as moving pieces of a mandala, we could flow without expectations—our souls vibrating eternal life, happy for the experience.
When members of my community leave, I just need to keep preparing the place for when they come back. The fewer we are, the more strength we have to share. The darker the times, the more songs of praise we sing. We are Khalsa. The force runs blue through our veins. The Guru’s shabd vibrates within us and the power of His words is what gives us the identity as Holy Warriors.
Let us share the love of the Infinite that is as inexhaustible as Himself. Let us be the symbols of hope—humans with an expanded heart, ready to embrace whatever God brings us. Where there is darkness, let us be the light that shines on the edge of the sword. Where there is sadness, let us be the smile and the compassionate word. Where there is doubt and despair, let us be the heartbeat of faith that pulses to the rhythm of creation.
I only ask that my Guru not make me blind or deaf or dumb. I ask that I may see all of existence and embrace it all. I ask that I may hear what can only be heard in apparent silence. And I ask that I may always be ready to speak the right words to transmit the Divine message.
Someone once told me that our Guru only stops to speak where Truth and Light exist. He never stops in the darkness. So why should we? May I always be blessed to find new ways to serve and new opportunities to spread the message of our Gurus—without fear; being just an instrument of God, since my greatest commitment is to Him. Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Haibhee Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.
Image Credit: “The Eternal Guru” by Kanwar Singh.
SS Har Tirath Kaur Khalsa is the director of Ashram Lujan and the Gurdwara Sri Guru Gobind Singh in Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She facilitates courses of leadership inspired by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Mai Bhago, as well as Women Empowerment Retreats. Har Tirath Kaur organizes the Vaisakhi Festival in Ashram Lujan and the Khalsa Retreat, where Gatka, Archery, Horseback Riding, Gurmukhi and Gurbani Kirtan are practiced.
As a Holistic Therapist and Spiritual Counselor, Har Tirath Kaur uses various healing systems, including Equino Holistic Therapy, in which sessions in Family Constellations and Horse-assisted Healing are offered. She is also a Gong therapist, Reiki Master, and Sat Nam Rasayan healer.
In 2009, Har Tirath Kaur founded Center Caminos Al Infinito. In addition, she founded and was the first President of APKY (Association of Teachers of Kundalini Yoga) in Argentina. She is a National Speaker, and has taught theater, oratory, and radio workshops.