Throughout 2016, our Ministry newsletter is focused on the Subtle Body. We invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on how we impact the world through our Subtle Bodies. Especially, how do we use the Subtle Body to support us in situations of challenge as we serve as teachers, leaders, and healers of the Aquarian Age? For the Fall 2016 issue, our theme is Healing and the Subtle Body. Please enjoy these articles and personal stories by Sikh Dharma Ministers about the Subtle Body in relation to our roles as healers and Ministers.
“When the Subtle Body, the carrier of the soul unto the destiny of the end, becomes the style of the life, the world shall unite under these words of love, truth, service. Humans will be again be pure and piety, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness shall rule.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (June 20, 1993)
We welcome comments and feedback on this newsletter and our website. If you are a Sikh Dharma Minister and would like to contribute to our newsletter, please contact Newsletter Editor SS Sarb Nam Kaur at [email protected].