New Ministers Ordained in Summer 2024
Three new Ministers were ordained in Summer 2024: SS Dr. Darshan Singh Khalsa (Virginia, USA), SS Avtar Kaur Khalsa (Hessen, Germany) and SS Bachitar Kaur Khalsa (Engen, Germany). Darshan Singh took his vows in-person at the Sadhana Gurdwara at Hacienda de Guru Ram Das in Espanola, New Mexico on June 15. Avtar Kaur was ordained during Gurdwara at the European Yoga Festival 2024 on August 10 at Chateau de Jambville near Paris, France. Bachitar Kaur’s ordination will take place in a Virtual Vows ceremony held during Karam Kriya Festival in Sintra, Portugal on August 24.
These new Sikh Dharma Ministers were ordained in the presence of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. SS Prem Kaur Khalsa of Spain, who is serving as Secretary General for Sikh Dharma International, performed the vows and oath of a Sikh Dharma International Minister for Avtar Kaur, at the direction of the Secretary of Religion. SS Dr. Sat Kaur Khalsa, Secretary of Religion, performed the vows and oath of a Sikh Dharma International Minister for Darshan Singh and Bachitar Kaur.
SS Dr. Darshan Singh Khalsa of Virginia, USA is a native of the DC metropolitan area and resides in Reston, VA. He completed undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland and received his Acupuncture degree from the Maryland Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MITCM). Dr. Khalsa is Board-Certified in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology and Oriental Medicine by the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Darshan Singh has over 50 years teaching experience as a Certified Yoga Instructor from the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI). He has maintained a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga for 50+ years, and is an active member of the Herndon ashram community.
SS Avtar Kaur Khalsa of Hessen, Germany is a Strategic Development Advisor, with 15 years of experience serving on different Boards and in different capacities in the Dharma, mainly as Board Chair (3HO Europe, 3HO International, French KYTA, etc.) She is an expert in leadership dynamics between the U.S., Europe and Asia. She offers verified counseling on integration and success through empowerment of individuals, communities, businesses and institutions. She speaks three languages, and is well-connected internationally. She is a professional Teacher Trainer in Kundalini Yoga (Levels 1 & 2), a Karam Kriya Trainer & Coach, and a Conscious Pregnancy Trainer. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Political Science from Columbia University in New York.
SS Bachitar Kaur Khalsa of Engen, Germany has served the community in many ways over the past 20 years, primarily as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Trainer. Her speciality is in teachings for women and conscious parenting. She also has training in the Karam Kriya Consultancy. She has established two new yoga centers—one in the Netherlands and one in Germany—to introduce Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma teachings to new populations and communities. She has experience living in different countries, and teaching Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma to students with a broad variety of social and cultural backgrounds and special requirements—including the elderly population, drug rehabilitation centers, prisons, schools and kindergartens. She currently lives with her Dutch husband, Hari Krishan Singh, and their two sons in South Germany at Yogahouse Prasaad.