by SS Har Simran Kaur Khalsa, Los Angeles CA
Fall 2020
When Yoga West closed its physical space due to the pandemic, I was giddy with delight. For decades, I had kicked myself out of bed and dragged myself to group sadhana, regardless of how late I had gone to sleep the night before. Liberated from the tyranny of the alarm clock, I slept until I woke up and then did my personal sadhana.
Three months into this sahej (easy) practice, I started noticing that I was missing something.
I have long been intrigued by the people around me who manage perfectly well without group sadhana. Admitting to myself that I am not one of them, I jumped on the “virtual” bandwagon and created a Virtual Aquarian Sadhana Google spreadsheet, which I published on social media.
Vitamin for the Soul
Different people have very different needs for various vitamins and other nutrients. (For example, for optimal health, some people need ten times more Vitamin C than other people.)
Apparently I am that way about doing the Aquarian Sadhana with others sadhana in the Amrit Vela. For me, doing my morning spiritual practice with others (virtually or otherwise) enriches my life in a way that nothing else does. I am grateful to know this.
You are welcome to join us!
About the Author
SS Har Simran Kaur Khalsa is a Sikh Dharma Minister. Har Simran Kaur met and latched onto the teachings of Yogi Bhajan in the late 1970s. After decades of large, consistent doses of the practices of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma and a 10-year stint serving the Siri Singh Sahib Ji’s personal household in Los Angeles, she has discovered the secret to mastery: teaching. She is currently teaching a series of classes focusing on each of the Gurus and the corresponding light bodies in her longtime home in the Guru Ram Das Ashram Sangat in Los Angeles.