Throughout this year we have been exploring the qualities of Guru Ram Das and the Neutral/Meditative Mind and how these qualities are fundamental to our ability to serve one and all as Ministers and leaders in the Aquarian Age. The theme for this Fall issue is Self-Reflection: Fostering it in Ourselves.
These are challenging times. Standing under those we serve—especially during times of great stress and transformation—is predicated on being able to stand by one’s self. It is important for each of us, as Ministers, to do our own internal work in order to then bring kindness, compassion, authenticity, and healing into the world in which we serve.
We asked Sikh Dharma Ministers to reflect on this question: “In order to stand under those you serve and to support them to be their best selves, what tools have served you in your own self-care, self-nurturing, and self-healing? How have you honored your own process of healing and being more authentic within yourself? And in what ways have you strengthened your foundation and commitment to the Sikh teachings and the Dharma, to be able to better support those whom you serve?”
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles on this website are those of the various authors and not necessarily those of the Office of the Secretary of Religion or their staff or of Sikh Dharma International.