The year 2014 embodies the vibration of the Seventh Master, Guru Har Rai. This year, our newsletter explores the topic of Guru Har Rai: Teacher of Compassion.
The topic of the November issue is Nurturing our Children – Seeding the Future. Guru Har Rai lived and served as a “platform of elevation.” In our roles as parents, yogis, and Sikh Dharma Ministers, we have the unique opportunity to serve and uplift our youth, to create environments to enable these souls to live to their highest destiny.
In this issue, Sikh Dharma Ministers share their journey of spiritual parenting. As Siri Singh Sahib told us: “[A] child is born to us innocent, child is born to us for love, [a] child is given to us in trust of God.”
We welcome comments and feedback on this newsletter and our website. Please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in the articles on this website are those of the various authors and not necessarily those of the Office of the Secretary of Religion or Sikh Dharma International.