by Bhai Sahiba Dr. Bibi Inderjit Kaur Khalsa
Spring 2014
Guru Har Rai Ji exhibited the most sublime nature of divine compassion and pure sensory awareness to his physical and spiritual environments. We can learn much from his life about how we may rise to our own highest sensory human functioning.
We are now living in the Aquarian frequency, and we find ourselves being relentlessly bombarded with external stimuli, which is in turn causing massive sensory overload in our population. The Siri Singh Sahib told us that this day would come. As a result, we would all be forced—often unknowingly—to operate from our human sensory system.
We need to have a meditative mind so we can enter into the sensory human system in harmony and clarity, without inner conflict, fear, or insecurity. Unfortunately for many people the nervous system is weak or damaged from the use of drugs. When they cannot process the stimuli overload, a feeling of emptiness ensues. At this point they turn to drugs or alcohol or other external substances to ease the pressure. Yet they are still hungry inside for an experience of full satisfaction and fulfillment of their self identity and their true personality.
Filled with Love
One of my favorite stories of Guru Har Rai depicts his rejection of the religious dogma of the day and people’s common beliefs, in favor of his own inner sensory knowing, his compassion, and endless divine love.
One day during his travels, the Guru halted his band of Sikhs, and he knocked on the door of a poor woman. When she appeared he said, “Good lady, I am very hungry. Please bring me the bread you have prepared.” The woman, overjoyed, brought out some coarse bread, of which the Guru partook while remaining on horseback, and without washing his hands. He relished the bread very much. He then blessed the woman and cut off the shackles of her transmigration.
The next day the Sikhs prepared some very elaborate dishes for their Guru, with great attention to cleanliness and the ancient rules and customs. They offered these dishes to the Guru at the same hour he had eaten on the previous day. He laughed and said, “O Sikhs, I ate food from that woman’s hands because she was holy and her food was filled with love. This food which you have prepared with attention to ancient ceremony is not pleasing to me.” The Sikhs then asked, “O True King, yesterday you ate bread on horseback from the hands of an old woman. You did not even know her. Her home was not consecrated and the food was in every way impure. Today we have prepared this food for you and no impurity is attached to it, yet you reject it. Please explain to us the reason.”
The Guru replied, “The old woman prepared the bread for me with great devotion, out of her meager wages earned by the sweat of her brow. Through her love and faith the food was sanctified and became utterly pure and divine. I partook of it with great joy and deep gratitude, and I was fulfilled. The Guru is hungry for love and not for elaborate dishes prepared according to ancient ritual. In the matter of love, no rule can supersede. It matters not what food one may eat, but rather it is our devotion and love with which we prepare the food that brings us divine nourishment, true healing.”
A Sensory Being
This story shows us how our Guru was of one heart as a sensory human. Today in this Aquarian Age, our own psyche can be in a flow and beam onto another personality. In that cross-exchange we can heal a person just by being in their presence. For this we need mental clarity, and we need mental projection in alignment with our own truth within. The outside world may continue its meaningless bombardment, but people know that the inside world knows, even in their emptiness. People will seek you out. This is a time for meditation, for deep cleansing, for self-identity, and for self-control.
The source of our happiness and the strength of our projection come from aligning ourselves with the true reality of our own inner being. To be honest we must stand against dishonesty. To be real we must stand against non-reality. To be loyal we must stand against betrayal. We have to make a choice and we have to choose the positive. And that choice can only be made if our psyche can project the diagonal energy, the energy that crosses through all levels, and is always there to lift us up in any situation in which we or another may fall.
It is my prayer that the purity and piety of our spirit will carry us. Let us walk in this Aquarian frequency with that sensory system and uplift others through our indomitable love and joy and happiness in serving all.
About the Author
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD, serves as Bhai Sahiba or Chief Religious Minister of Sikh Dharma. She is the wife of the Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji. As Bhai Sahiba she is responsible to advise Sikh Dharma on religious matters and promote good relations with the global community. Bibiji has authored books on Sikh educational principals, including Living Reality, and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Blessing, an intricate and esoteric description of the rags (musical scales), poetry, and architectural design of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred body of Sikh scripture, hymns, and holy verse.