by MSS Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa, Vancouver BC Canada
Spring 2012
By the Grace of the Guru, somehow this incarnation has been made sacred. Through the miracle of Love, we have been made servants of the Word, servants of the times, servants of the souls of the Aquarian Age. We have been made to serve as Ministers of Sikh Dharma.
We answered the call of the times, the call coming from the Subtle Body of the Guru, and the dramatic call coming from our beloved Siri Singh Sahib ji—leading the way, with a great sweep of his metaphoric hand saying: “Come on! Let’s go!”
A life is assessed by the delivery of the purpose of its incarnation. And in that each choice we make is made on the touchstone of that Reality. How we serve, how we use our time, where we put our money, our resources, and especially our prana.
In response to the question, “How do you find the balance to care for your needs and serve others?” To be very honest, I’m not sure finding “balance” enters into the equation. Or let’s re-define “balance.” Balance as a worshipper of the Shabd Guru and the path of service means the equipoise that comes from the victory of my spirit over my Earth.
Sure, there is “self-care” involved through keeping myself together in body, mind, spirit. I am a yogi. But that to me has nothing to do with “balance;” rather it has to do with using what I have closest to me in the process of “making everything sacred.” I get to use my own body, my own mind, my own spirit in this sacred transmutation of Earth to Heaven, and bringing Heaven to Earth. Making it sacred. Wahe Guru.
The life and Subtle Body of Guru Arjan Dev Ji inspire me to understand that sacrifice means to uplift everything in my sphere into its sacred frequency. Sacrifice is “making sacred” all that comes into my field that calls for relationship.
In the Piscean Age, sacrifice meant martyrdom. That’s not going to work anymore in the Aquarian Age. Yet neither will the “thud” made by the heaviness of my earthly embodiment when it chooses “me over Thee.” When I choose to serve, to sacrifice, my Subtle and Radiant Bodies become so powerful, my incarnation so refined, the joy so sweet.
Carrying the Teachings feels to me like carrying the Siri Guru Granth Sahib on my head, walking with Grace. So what if my arms get a little tired.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji brought Heaven to Earth: through the codification of the Shabd, he delivered the Shabd Guru. Through his own sacrifice, he allowed God’s Will to create a Guru Hargobind.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!
About the Author
MSS Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa was among the group of the first women to become ordained as Sikh Dharma Ministers back in 1972. She has been active as a Sikh Dharma Minister since then, dedicated to the Khalsa Panth, in interfaith work, with Sikh youth including Sikh youth camps, and in the Office of the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma. She served as editor of Victory & Virtue (the Sikh Dharma Minister’s Manual), and The Aquarian Teacher Training Manual, and is a KRI Senior Teacher Trainer.