SS Atma Kaur Khalsa, Newport News VA Summer 2020 Sat Nam. I feel that Aquarian Leadership is about healing and unity. It’s the time now to work together, with circles of leadership in which we deeply respect each person’s path and journey of life and the voice of their experience. But it can be so challenging. I’ve experienced how my heart-centered, intelligent, educated intentions can go astray in a group discussion. In one particular group that I was a part of, I spoke the truth, calmly, repeatedly. I saw some people begin to tune out and leave the group; some
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Archives for 2020 - Summer
The People of Love
Reaching Out in Leadership
by SS Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Summer 2020 Years ago I wrote an article for this newsletter entitled the Ministry of Cookies; in many ways, this is a follow-up to that article. My life’s intentions come down to this: to reach out with an open heart and meet each person where they are; to honor where they are and how they want to grow into their destiny. I still bake hundreds of cookies and make gallons of yogi tea every month to give away…gifts from the heart to communicate that I care. The difference is that now I
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Towards a Time of Love
by MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM Summer 2020 What is Aquarian leadership? The forces that are elevating the consciousness of this entire planet are increasing logarithmically. In the last 2,000 years the entire planet has never been subjected as a whole to the forces that are acting through us, and upon us, now. Aquarius is co-ruled by two planets—Saturn and Uranus, which explains how we are moving from the times of war on this planet towards a time of love. Having a Saturn teacher, we all understand that Saturn is the planet of tasks, structure, and responsibility and that
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Laboratory of Human Possibilities
by SS Sat Jagat Singh Khalsa, Brooklyn NY Summer 2020 It is the challenge and blessing of the Ram Das Puri Kitchen to consciously prepare simple, delicious and nutritious food for more than 2,000 people for eight days. This is made possible because over 100 people make up the dozen kitchen teams. They come to Solstice to leave behind their normal routines and experience the challenge and blessing of working together to serve the saints in the laboratory of human possibilities we call 3HO Summer Solstice. And who are the saints? All of us who make our way up that
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Eloquent Uniqueness
by SS Dr. Gurusangat Kaur Khalsa, Belo Horizonte Brazil Summer 2020 Berlin can be very damp in summers and the year 1992 brought us an unusually warm July. This particular afternoon was hot and humid. My dear friend Audre Lorde was coming to see me and, while cleaning up my room, I was singing Ang Sang Wahe Guru at the top of my lungs. I had just started my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training classes, and I guess that was part of the new territory and all the excitement it brings with it. Audre Lorde arrived in her beautiful African dress,
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Minister News and Notes (Summer 2020)
During this global crisis, we are all experiencing the unexpected effects of the pandemic. Recently, the Office of the Secretary of Religion produced a training module entitled “Trauma-Informed Seva for Sikh Dharma Ministers in Crisis and Disaster.” This video was created in response to feedback from Ministers as one of the primary topics of interest for Minister Enrichment. While we originally produced this video specifically to address disaster situations such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or fire, it is also rich in helpful tools and information relevant for this pandemic—first and foremost for you as an individual (especially the grounding techniques)—and secondly to
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Secretary of Religion Column (Summer 2020)
We are in a gigantic change process in our world at large with the pandemic, in our Dharma with the allegations, and within ourselves as we attempt to deal with such upheaval in our lives. I have struggled with what I might be able to write in order to help us as Ministers at this time. Then it occurred to me to share information about the nature of change. Understanding this process and where you are in it is an essential part of meeting the challenge of changing to Aquarian leadership. As a reference point, I would like to share
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#76 Summer 2020 Newsletter
In 2020, we are exploring the theme of “Standing Under Those We Serve” through the lens of Guru Ram Das and the Neutral/Meditative Mind. The theme for the Summer 2020 issue is Meeting the Challenge of Moving Into Aquarian Leadership. We invited Sikh Dharma Ministers to address ways in which they support those they serve to be all they can be—by inspiring others to awaken their latent gifts as potential leaders and helping them deal with barriers they may face on the journey. Copyright©2020
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