by SS Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Medway MA Summer 2014 Scientific research on compassion and the role of meditation practices in enhancing it is now becoming a rigorous and acceptable field of inquiry within neuroscience. Feature articles on compassion research are beginning to appear in the premier research journal Science, in which a leading meditation/compassion researcher is quoted as saying “We are researching a system that is the opposite of fear, that allows us to go in peace, to trust ourselves and others more, that breeds tolerance.” Although this field of research is in its infancy, preliminary findings suggest
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Archives for 2014 - Summer
Science, Meditation and Compassion
Self-Compassion and Change
by SS Hari Har Singh Burmeister, Hamburg, Germany Summer 2014 Compassion starts with ourselves. As simple as this may sound, I have often found myself engaged in old inner beliefs of “I have to”, “I should not”, mixed with subtle nuances of shame and blame towards myself and others. Our Master’s teachings—in all their high spirit and sacred intention—sometimes led me to more self-accusation. Sometimes we need to step out (at least in our mind) of old (inner) settings to be able to evolve. Sometimes a different approach helps. I have found this new approach in the practice of Nonviolent
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The Power of Ahimsa
by Bhai Sahiba Dr. Bibi Inderjit Kaur Khalsa Summer 2014 Guru Har Rai Ji gave us the great gift of showing us how to understand through compassion (ahimsa). It is easy to react emotionally to life’s challenges, rather than with self-mastery and compassion for peace and the greater good. Guru Har Rai Ji was unwavering in his commitment to bestowing peace. He embodied an aura of profound tranquility. He became our seventh Guru at the age of only 14, representing the seventh body or the auric shield. Guru Har Rai held his sangats in that great protective umbrella of unlimited
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The Tools of Compassion
by SS Dr. Kartar Singh Khalsa, Santa Fe NM Summer 2014 In these difficult and challenging times it is important to remind ourselves of the tools we have been blessed to receive from the Siri Singh Sahib, our spiritual leader and teacher. One of the Aquarian sutras he gave us to survive and thrive in the midst of our challenges was: “Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.” It’s the human condition: when we’re busy and stressed, we can forget to have compassion both for ourselves and for others who are struggling with life’s challenges. “Recognize the other person as yourself” is
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Cultivating Compassion
by SS Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Summer 2014 “The only beautiful thing that makes you human is compassion. Think about vengeance, lies, truth, God, greatness, think of anything. If you take compassion out of it, everything becomes bitter. Compassion is a value of life; it is power; it is God and meditation; it is truth. Compassion gives you the strength to go through suffering and yet feel no pain. There is absolutely no grace without compassion.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (July 11, 1986) The capacity for compassion is innate in us as human beings. We are created with
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Being the Forklift
by SS Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Summer 2014 “The Age of Aquarius is about taking the pot of water (Aquarius) and nurturing the whole universe; becoming human in equal concept of service and then becoming angelic, kind and compassionate.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (September 22, 2002) As a woman and mother, nurturing seems like a natural path for me. I have always worked with children and I enjoy serving those who seem less fortunate. The path of Sikh Dharma drew me in with the values of caring for others through tithing, langar, seva and nurturing our environments. The Siri Singh
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Secretary of Religion Column (Summer 2014)
The definition of Ministering is expanding. That was the theme for our Minister presentation at the April 2014 meetings of the Khalsa Council. When you say Minister (which is what the Siri Singh Sahib named us), we who came from a Judeo-Christian background tend to think of a religious setting like Gurdwara. Yes, of course, our touchstone is the Guru; but how else do we minister? Thanks to so many of you who responded to our request for pictures and video, we have an expanded global view of our Ministry (see our Ministers in Action Video). Here are some examples: SS Guru Simran
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#52 Summer 2014 Newsletter
The year 2014 embodies the vibration of the Seventh Master, Guru Har Rai. The seventh body, the Auric body, carries the qualities of compassion, kindness, elevation of the self and others, as exemplified by Guru Har Rai. The Siri Singh Sahib said: “Religion is to bring reality into practice…the test to be religious is to see compassion at the moment when you cannot see it and to act compassionately when it is impossible to act like that.” This year, our newsletter explores the topic of Guru Har Rai: Teacher of Compassion. For the Summer 2014 issue we asked our Ministers to write on the theme of
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