by MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM Spring 2011 The following article is an excerpt from the upcoming book on Sikh Dharma by Shakti Parwha Kaur and Guruka Singh which will be published later this year by KRI (originally appearing in the February 2009 issue of Aquarian Times). Many talk as if we will be facing a very sudden change on the day the Aquarian Age begins. But this particular transition is a part of an evolutionary flow that has been a while in the making, and although change is happening faster in the world than ever before, it is still
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Archives for 2011 - Spring
Ruled by Awareness
Peace and Harmony
by SS Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Spring 2011 The year was 1969. I was 12 years old and my parents took my younger brother and me to the musical “Hair” at the Aquarius Theater in downtown Los Angeles. I am pretty certain they didn’t have any idea what they were taking us to see, but I was instantly transfixed by the aura of peace and love. As the colorfully-dressed “flower children” of the Sixties walked through the audience passing out flowers, while singing “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” I felt something inside myself awaken.
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Aquarian Inspiration
SS Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa, Millis MA Spring 2011 On December 20th, 2010, in Lake Wales, Florida, Sikh Dharma Ministers from Alabama, California, Millis (MA), Kansas City (MO), New York City and Texas gathered for the final Winter Solstice Sikh Dharma Ministers’ gathering of the Piscean Age. It was our aim, as we cross the threshold into the Age of the True Guru, to be reminded of the Siri Singh Sahib’s wisdom about the Aquarian Age and to explore the impact of Aquarian energies on our Sikh Dharma Ministries. Because it was our first day of sunshine at Solstice and the
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Acceptance is the Key
by SS Harinder Kaur Khalsa, Eugene OR Spring 2011 How do I relate to this change of the age? I accept. Acceptance is the key word for me, for being able to observe all the changes that go on around me without being affected by it. Acceptance of the fact that all is arising from the One, is sustained by the One and goes back to the One. And that One is non-separate from me. Ek Ong Kar. That is the only truth. I am that One. Sat Nam. The One is both the material and intelligent cause of all.
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Starting the Conversation
by SS Snatam Kaur Khalsa, Espanola NM Spring 2011 Because I grew up in Sikh Dharma and 3HO I became very familiar with the concept that in my lifetime there would be a monumental transformation called “the coming of the Aquarian Age.” Somehow for many years I envisioned that there would be a massive and almost explosive transformation in which all the people would suddenly be intuitive and completely spiritual. Although this is a very exciting way for things to happen, and it may still happen this way, lately my perspective on the whole coming of the Aquarian Age phenomenon
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Minister News and Notes (Spring 2011)
In February 2011, the Espanola Sangat experienced a state-wide natural gas outage. Sikh Dharma Minister Jivan Joti Kaur shares the experiences she had with members of our sangat serving people in this rural community who were without heat during an extreme cold spell in Northern New Mexico in this article. The Sikh Dharma Minister Newsletter needs an email manager. If you have technical know-how, we would love your assistance to upgrade our abilities to stay in contact with our Minister database. Please contact SS Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa to help us stay better connected as we enter the Aquarian Age.
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Secretary of Religion Column (Spring 2011)
I feel as if I’ve waited my whole life for 2011, and in many ways I have. So much of what the Siri Singh Sahib taught us was in preparation for these times. I am so grateful for that guidance. As the Minister e-newsletter team met to plan the four issues for 2011, the prescient words of these songs ran through our thoughts: “From the air came the beginning; this is the age of the True Guru. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” We were told life would be different by November 11, 2011 and it already
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#39 Spring 2011 Newsletter
The final cusp of the Piscean Age ends on November 11, 2011, and the Aquarian Age will no longer be “dawning.” Our overall theme for the 2011 Minister newsletters is, “This is the age of the True Guru.” Over the years, the Siri Singh Sahib ji said a multitude of things about the Aquarian Age. “The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God.” For our Spring 2011 issue, we asked some of our Ministers to respond to these questions: “What tools are you using
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