Ask the Bhai Sahiba Column Winter 2008 From”Living Reality” by Bhai Sahiba Dr. Inderjit Kaur Khalsa (Bibiji), Miri Piri Academy Press, Chheharta, India. How did the Siri Guru Granth Sahib become the living Guru? On October 6, 1708, Guru Gobind Singh assembled the Sangat at Nanded and told them that he was the last in the line of human teachers or Gurus. In his last farewell he said, “I have entrusted you to the immortal God. I have infused my mental and bodily spirit into the Granth Sahib, and the Khalsa should henceforth obey the Granth Sahib. It is the
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Archives for 2008 - Winter
Siri Guru Granth Sahib – A Living Guru
Secretary of Religion Column (Winter 2008)
This is a time of change. It is a transition into a brave new world. We have been preparing for this time our whole lives. Our souls were guided to this path, one that embodies a technology for now and for the future. I am seeing a whole new aspect of teaching for the Ministry, a more organized and formalized way of delivering the teachings of Sikh Dharma shared by our beloved teacher. I believe we are in the very early stages of thought regarding the development of this area, yet it seems to be unfolding. The Sikh Dharma Board,
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#30 Winter 2008 Newsletter
In this issue we are celebrating 300 years of the Shabd Guru, reflecting on a question from our 2008 Ministers’ Exam: “The year 2008 marks the 300th anniversary of the installation of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib at Hazoor Sahib, India, by the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Please share a short story of how the energy of Guru Gobind Singh has directly impacted your life.” Please enjoy reading various responses as well as inspiring articles on this topic from Sikh Dharma Ministers. Copyright© 2008
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